Clutter Busters!
Filed under Facts, Home Tips on Jul 31,2019 |
It’s hot. You’re staying in, enjoying the AC. Suddenly you realize, your home is overrun with clutter everywhere.
Instead of watching reruns of that favorite movie, why not take control of your space with these clutter-busting tips from First up, be less sentimental. That means putting away your kid’s school drawings or the sweater your old boyfriend gave you. Donate unused items to someone less fortunate, or make some money by planning a yard sale. Organize the must-haves, and get rid of things that don’t bring you joy, KonMari style. Before you know it, your home will be neat and clean – and you’ll be ready to invite friends and family over that first big, pre-season football game (Go Birds!). Better yet, if your beautiful, tidy home looks good enough to sell, call Vanguard Realty Associates. We’ll help get your home on the market and you into the home of your dreams!