Filed under Activities, Home Tips on Apr 21,2020 | Tagged in: electrical work, flooring, home improvements, landscaping, Painting, plumbing
Stuck at home (SAH) and looking for something to do? It’s a great time to tackle a few do-it-yourself (DIY) home improvement projects.
This exceedingly comprehensive guide to DIY home improvement is designed for homeowners who don’t have a lot of experience with renovating and rejuvenating a home. Published by Budget Dumpster, the guide will walk you through the basics of painting, flooring, landscaping, plumbing, electrical work and more, offering step-by-step instructions and extra tips from home improvement professionals. You may need some supplies to accomplish your project. But if your local stores are closed during this time of COVID19 – or your state has directed you to stay at home – consider any prep work you can do now with supplies you have on hand. That way, you’ll have a great head start when life is back to normal!